General Chair

B. Yegnanarayana
INSA Senior Scientist International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad
General Co-Chairs

C. Chandra Sekhar
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Shrikanth Narayanan
University of Southern California, Los Angeles

S. Umesh
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

S. R. M. Prasanna
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Technical Program Chairs

A. Hema Murthy
Indian Institute of Technology Madras

Preeti Rao
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Paavo Alku
Aalto University, Aalto

Prasanta Kumar Ghosh
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore
Local Organizing Committee

V. Suryakanth Gangashetty
International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad

V. Kamakshi Prasad
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad

C. Krishna Mohan
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad
Publicity Committee

Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

A. G. Ramakrishnan
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

T. V. Sreenivas
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

Mathew Magimai-Doss
Idiap Research Institute, Martigny

Andreas Stolcke
Microsoft ResearchUSA
Sponsorship Committee

Sriram Ganapathy
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

Prem Natarajan
University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Rohit Prasad
Amazon, USA

Lin-shan Lee
National Taiwan University, Taipei

Ajish Abraham
All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore

V. Ramasubramanian
International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore

Yannis Stylianou
University of Crete, Crete

G. Panayiotis Georgiou
University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Israel Cohen
Technion Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City
Satellite Workshops

Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
University of Illinois, Urbana

Gerard Bailly

A. Hemant Patil
Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gandhinagar

K. Sreenivasa Rao
Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur

A. D. Dileep
Indian Institute of Technology Mandi

K. Samudravijaya
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

T. Nagarajan
SSN College of Engineering, Chennai

Samuel Thomas
IBM Watson Research Center, USA

D. R. Sanand
Toshiba Research, UK
Special Events

Preethi Jyothi
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

Pratibha Moogi
Samsung R&D, Bangalore

Dinesh Babu
International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore

Deepu Vijayasenan
Assistant Professor
Students Affairs and Grants

H. L. John Hansen
University of Texas-Dallas, USA

Priyankoo Sarmah
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Web, Tools and APPs

Chandra Sekhar Seelamantula
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

Srikanth Madikeri
IDIAP, Martigny

Harshavardhan Sundar
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore

Ajay Srinivasamurthy
Amazon, Bengaluru

Anil Kumar Vuppala
International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad
Special Sessions and Challenges
Industry Liaison

Radhakrishnan Srikanth
Microsoft, Hyderabad

Jithendra Vepa
Samsung R&D, Bangalore
Social Events

R. Padmanabhan
Indian Institute of Technology Mandi

K. S. Vijaya Sekhar
International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad

V. V. Ramana
International Institute of Information Technology Hyderabad

K. Sri Rama Murty
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad

Vinay Kumar Mittal
Ritwik Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad

Sunayana Sitaram
Microsoft India Bangalore
Show and Tell

Ananth Sankar
LinkedIn USA

Kalika Bali
Microsoft Research LabIndia